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Trend Micro Sales Support ×

Do you have any questions?
A Trend Micro Sales Representative
is available online to help you.

*Chat support only available in English.

Trend Micro Sales Support

Do you have any questions?
A Trend Micro Sales Representative is available online to help you.

*Chat support only available in English.

What is Auto-Renewal?

Auto Renewal is a convenient service that automatically extends your subscription before expiry for 1 year

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Take the worry out of forgetting to renew your subscription and potentially exposing your devices to online threats.

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Eliminate the need to manually renew your subscription since it is automatically done for you.

Trend Micro Auto-Renewal for a Convenient Security Experience

If you wish to opt-out of Auto Renewal, you can cancel at any time. If you happen to be charged for Auto Renewal and no longer wish to use the product, you will receive a refund.

How do I activate Auto Renewal?

Purchase a Trend Micro product with Auto Renewal, once your subscription is close to expiry it will be automatically renewed by 1 year.

It's easy to activate Auto Renewal

There are 2 ways in which you can activate Auto Renewal.

If you purchase a Trend Micro product that has Auto Renewal, it is already setup for you.

After activating your subscription, head to the Trend Micro My Account page and click on "Set up Auto Renew".

Frequently Asked Questions

With Auto Renewal, how long will the subscription be extended by?

Auto Renewal extends your subscription for 1 year only.

When will I be charged for Auto Renewal?

You will be automatically charged up to 15 days prior to the expiry of your current subscription.

Will I be notified via email before I am charged for Auto Renewal?

We will send an email to you 30 days before you are automatically charged.

How can I cancel Auto Renewal?

On the Trend Micro My Account page, click "Stop Auto-Renew" under your product.

If I no longer use my Trend Micro subscription, will Auto Renewal be cancelled?

If you are no longer using your Trend Micro subscription, Auto Renewal is still active and will need to be cancelled.

I need help cancelling Auto Renewal.

Step by step instructions on how to cancel Auto Renewal can be found here.

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Who is Trend Micro?

Trend Micro is an industry leader in antivirus protection and internet security, with 30 years of security software experience in keeping millions of users safe. Trend Micro Security secures your connected world providing protection against malware, ransomware, spyware, and cyber threats that could compromise your online experience. It also helps protect you from identity theft, viruses, online scams, and other emerging threats.

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Need Support?

Need help installing your software? You can view our online tutorials to help get you up and running; or if you'd prefer to contact us, you can chat, email, or call one of our technical support engineers.

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